Recent KidsPlay News

Become a 2024 KidsPlay Corporate Partner!

Children are natural explorers. At KidsPlay Children’s Museum, we work to harness that inherent curiosity and turn it into a lifelong love of learning for the next generation of doers, thinkers, and community members.

Are you or someone you know a business owner? The Corporate Partner program was created as a way for businesses to lend direct support to KidsPlay’s mission while earning great benefits for their employees. Our Corporate Partners have helped KidsPlay:

  • create an environment where children can explore, experiment, and make their own choices, fostering a sense of ownership over their educational experiences.
  • introduce families to resources that help them to raise children who can think critically, solve problems, and explore their creative potential.
  • present programs that encourage hands-on learning and engage children with other local community organizations.
  • encourage children to become thoughtful, active contributors to their communities.

Is your business ready to become a Corporate Partner? Donate online using the link below, or mail in payment with the Corporate Partner response form, and help children discover a lifelong love of learning today!

November 7, 2023 Announcements, Highlights