Recent KidsPlay News

Staff Spotlight: Kristin Ercoli

When Kristin Ercoli first saw the KidsPlay Hub Manager role description, she knew she had to apply. “It was basically my dream job,” she says, recalling her excitement at the possibility of being a critical player in the creation of KidsPlay’s new resource center.

Prior to working at KidsPlay, Kristin was a longtime member who first volunteered for then later worked for the Community Family Learning Center (CFLC) Library, a KidsPlay community resource library in partnership with Torrington Public Schools.

“It was very exciting, giving back something to the library, as the library had been an outreach point to me when I needed it. The CFLC introduced me to some programs and resources that benefited my children,” she says. “I really enjoyed being able to turn around and introduce other people in the library to some of those same programs, and have positive first-hand experiences to share with them.”

Kristin sees her new role as an extension of the same kind of outreach work. “Being able to connect those resources to people is really important,” she says. “If you don’t even know that you should be asking for help, because you don’t imagine that there’s help for it – it makes it that much harder. Being a parent and taking care of children is hard enough, and anything we can do to take and support that is very important.”

Kristin is poised to make a significant impact at KidsPlay, building collaborations with partners that will bridge the gap between families and the resources they need to thrive. Thank you, Kristin!

May 21, 2024 Blog, Highlights